Aim and Objectives of the Degree Programme
The basic aim of the Department is to provide sound empirical and theoretical training that will enable students to understand, analyze and interpret the spatial patterns of human activities and natural processes operating on the earth’s surface. The impact of these processes on both the human and natural environment and policy option to tackle them at national and international levels represents a core part of the curriculum.
The undergraduate courses of the Department are structured to lay a strong foundation in all the major branches of Geography and Regional planning. Students are trained also in the applied aspects of the subject to equip them for a wide range of professions that are open to Geographers and regional planners in Nigeria, including Urban and Regional Planning, Environmental Management , Climatology, Geomorphology, Rural Geography, Geographic Information System (GIS),Population Geography, Transportation Geography, Political Geography , Population Projects and challenging work in industry and government/parastatals. Training is also given to the students in the philosophy and techniques of the subject to equip them for further specialization at the post-graduate levels